Show HN: An all in one content editor for email, push and SMS

16 points by akrams 4 days ago

Hi all, I am trying to get some feedback on a product we are planning to launch next week.

We initially (me and my co-founder) came from Uber where we built their growth marketing stack and trying to bring a unified growth stack that teams can use across both marketing and eng.

Our goal is enable a unified content editor to manage templates across various channels and then eventually export them to sendgrid, mailgun, mailchimp etc...

Also in our thinking is to expose those templates as API's so engineering can reference those templates in their code.

Love to hear everyone's feedback is that something useful? Is template API something you would actually use?

pmdfgy 4 days ago

I closed your Landing page after reading two adverbs ending with "lessly" in the same sentence, one being "seamlessly".

More seriously, I'm having a hard time understanding what differentiates you from Mailchimp and the email services, already provising such tools. The template notion is also a little bit confusing as I don't understand what an SMS template is, since an SMS is text only, with no layout. By the way, we can see the confusion in the "Templates" page, all of them being for Email, which is understandable.

  • mosselman 3 days ago

    My reason to close the landingpage was the horrific scroll hijacking. Unusable like this for me.

    Just let users scroll the way they are used to instead of this snapping.

  • akrams 4 days ago

    thanks for taking time here. good call out on the landing page. just changed it.

    On the difference between Mailchimp it is all about the editing + sharing experience. Do you feel the template editing is good enough in mailchimp for you? how often do you edit / manage email templates today if you don't mind me asking?

    do you have multiple forms of content across push and sms that you manage? do you see value in one place to store all your content and manage it from there?

akrams 4 days ago

darn added the wrong url. it should be

  • dang 4 days ago

    Fixed now!